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Ivee Pendo

Ivee Pendo

Meet illustrator from the Philippines, Ivee Pendo

GirlsclubAsia-Illustrator-Kaho Yoshida


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a freelance illustrator born and raised in the Philippines. I also work in Data Science and Analytics as a Database Administrator. Aside from drawing, I also like doing street photography when I’m out of town. All my money goes to my cats, Maki and Sushi.


Describe the city you’re living in and what it’s like to live there.

I’ve lived in so many different cities since I was young. Right now, I am with my family in Bulacan wherein it’s quite serene but very far from everything lmao. Before the pandemic, I use to live independently with my friends for 5 years because it’s closer to where I work. Taguig is a very diverse city with so many interesting spots for contemporary art and music events.


I’ve lived in so many different cities since I was young. Right now, I am with my family in Bulacan wherein it’s quite serene but very far from everything lmao.


What is the best and worst thing about living in your city?

Best: cheap foods to try, dogs being walked in the morning, friendly puspins (stray cats) at the store fronts

Worst: Notorious traffic everywhere, government corruption


Give us 3 words that describe what it’s like to be a creative in your city.

Engaging, dynamic, ambitious


How did you start your career in art?

When I was in college, I used to only draw semi-realistic portraits of fictional characters and real people without minding too much of having an art style. Back then, I only use traditional mediums like ball pen and watercolor. More friends and strangers seem to notice and began to ask me if I could do commissions for gifts and personal displays. When I started working as a database administrator, I occasionally accept illustration requests as my side hustle while I also work with fun projects for myself during weekends. I soon realized that I want something more out of what comes to me most naturally –something like a brand as an artist with clear goals and a defined direction of where I want to be years from now. That’s when I began to welcome bigger opportunities like commercial work and collaborations while delving further into the art scene. To be honest, it’s easier to get more involved into anything you like nowadays (considering that you’re also privileged to have the resources)- thanks to the internet!


When I started working as a database administrator, I occasionally accept illustration requests as my side hustle while I also work with fun projects for myself during weekends. I soon realized that I want something more out of what comes to me most naturally –something like a brand as an artist with clear goals and a defined direction of where I want to be years from now. That’s when I began to welcome bigger opportunities like commercial work and collaborations while delving further into the art scene.


Were the people around you supportive of your decision on working as a creative?

Looking back, not so much, I think. My mom wanted me to pursue STEM and I indecisively ended up with an engineering degree. I feel like it’s not because she looks down on the industry; she probably just doesn’t have a good grasp of it because of that general thought that only influential people from rich families can make their profession lucrative. They do support me now though; she’s even using my drawings as her display photos on her social media accounts lol.


What are some goals and ambitions you have for your future work?

I want to collab with movie directors, fashion brands, music festival producers and musicians/bands. It’s the closest I could get to working as an “artist” in the music industry haha


I want to collab with movie directors, fashion brands, music festival producers and musicians/bands. It’s the closest I could get to working as an “artist” in the music industry haha


If you could collaborate with any person in the world who would it be?

Wong Kar Wai and Ming-liang Tsai (and Edward Yang of course, if he’s still alive) are up there for sure. You know, like how movie posters were illustrated during the old times and displayed in movie theaters? I want a project like that but for their digital promotion materials.  A collab with these geniuses in any way is an ultimate dream.


What are the biggest challenges you face in working as a creative?

One thing about my art is that I want it to be less about me and more about the people who are experiencing it. I want them to know more about themselves and their surroundings instead of deciphering my mind. The usual comment I get from people is how most of my drawings feel nostalgic in some sort of way. I’m a very self-conscious person in real life, but I struggle a lot with self-expression, even by the means with which I am most comfortable with. Consciously contemplating “raw” emotions and pouring it into my art seems overwhelming because I’m not even sure if I really want to be “seen” in my head in the first place. Maybe I just don’t like being too transparent and vulnerable. I’m working on that, though. Of course, everything I make will always be the extension of myself and my intuition whether I like it or not.


Women around me are rulers and have super strong personalities. They always take the lead. They may be loud as hell and can get supremely optimistic. They’re expressive, clear of what they want in life, and don’t bow down.


How would you describe the women around you?

Women around me are rulers and have super strong personalities. They always take the lead. They may be loud as hell and can get supremely optimistic. They’re expressive, clear of what they want in life, and don’t bow down.


Were there any local female creatives that you looked up to when you were growing up?

Unfortunately, there were no people around me who could have introduced me to artistic hobbies and role models because of the grown-up problems they had to deal with. All the interests I have now is basically born of self-discovery. As far as I can recall, I like drawing when I was a child, but I was more interested in weird space stuff and female cosmonauts.


Create something you want to buy as a consumer and not based on what everyone likes. Be your own fan and draw something you’d like to hang on your own wall. People could be terrible and unreasonable at times, but you can always choose to be kind. Best of luck.


Do you have any advice for other women who are aspiring to work in your field?

Create something you want to buy as a consumer and not based on what everyone likes. Be your own fan and draw something you’d like to hang on your own wall. People could be terrible and unreasonable at times, but you can always choose to be kind. Best of luck.


What type of music do you like to listen to?

Indie pop, bedroom pop, shoegaze, indie rock, city pop


What’s your favorite local food spot?

Any Korean barbecue place in Población, isawan place somewhere in Mandaluyong


Angie Son asks: What’s your secret to staying motivated?

Coffee, nice long sleep, music, and the fun free time you’re allowed to spend for yourself once you’re done with all your tasks


Masae Seki asks: Who are your top 3 inspirations (doesn’t need to be artists!)

Wong Kar Wai, Kazuo Kamimura, my cats I need to feed (does that make it 5 haha)


What question would you like us to ask the next artist?

How do you win your dream clients?



Photos courtesy of Ivee Pendo

