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Sungmin Choi

Sungmin Choi

Meet illustrator from Seoul, Sungmin Choi



Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello, I am Sungmin Choi. I draw cartoons and pictures.


Describe the city you’re living in and what it’s like to live there.
I live in Seoul, South Korea. This is a busy and fast-paced city as a tight building, but I usually stay quiet at home.


I live in Seoul, South Korea. This is a busy and fast-paced city as a tight building, but I usually stay quiet at home.


What is the best and worst thing about living in your city?
The worst thing is the fine dust and how trends change too quickly. The best thing is that most of the services are fast and convenient, and the gray city scenery of dense buildings is quite attractive.


Give us 3 words that describe what it’s like to be a creative in your city.

Exchanges, attempts, persistence.


How did you start your career in art?

I started to draw when I started reading comic books when I was young.


I started to draw when I started reading comic books when I was young.


Were the people around you supportive of your decision on working as a creative?

I was supported because I was the best at drawing among the things I know how to do.


What are some goals and ambitions you have for your future work?

My goal and ambition are to continue creative activities as they are now.


My goal and ambition are to continue creative activities as they are now.


If you could collaborate with any person in the world who would it be?

I want to make a cartoon with a writer who will make a good story.


What are the biggest challenges you face in working as a creative?

Continuing one’s passion for work.


There are many strong women around me who are creative and can sympathize with the pain of others.
They are wonderful people whose strictness toward themselves and warmth toward others permeate the work.


How would you describe the women around you?
There are many strong women around me who are creative and can sympathize with the pain of others.
They are wonderful people whose strictness toward themselves and warmth toward others permeate the work.


Were there any local female creatives that you looked up to when you were growing up?

I have dreamed of becoming a writer by watching cartoonists. Although she is a writer from another country, she liked Takahashi Rumiko’s cartoons and she is still one of my favorite cartoonists. When I saw Takahashi Rumiko’s cartoons, it made me want to draw so much that I often sat at her desk.


Creation itself gives a lot of inner rewards. Because it allows me to live as myself. I hope you cherish your story.


Do you have any advice for other women who are aspiring to work in your field?

I don’t know what advice I need. Creation itself gives a lot of inner rewards. Because it allows me to live as myself. I hope you cherish your story.


What type of music do you like to listen to?

I usually like rock band music.


What’s your favorite local food spot?

There are too many… There are so many delicious foods in Korea that it is hard to choose. What I want to eat now is Cold Noodles in Pildong Myeonok, Seoul!


Ivee Pendo asks: How do you win your dream clients?

Honestly, I don’t know. I just constantly show my world view with cartoons and pictures.


Vikki Zhang asks:  Have you ever admired other artists who do excellent work and can’t help to doubt your own style?

Of course. There are many great creators in the world and they are overflowing near me. Above all, what I admire and admire are the publishing cartoonists of the 80s and 90s. I will continue to admire and respect them for a long time.


What question would you like us to ask the next artist?

What are your ways of managing body and mental health for continuous work?



Photos courtesy of Sungmin Choi

